Share Life Today
Share Life Today is a brief daily source of encouragement to share your faith, paired with practical equipping tools and examples to help you get started or share your faith more often. *Named Radio Show of the Year at NRB 2024
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
True Love (Valentine’s Day Special)
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.
Happy Valentine's Day! Whether you celebrate this day of love or not, it is a great opportunity to ask those around you, "What would you say true love is?" You’ll get many answers in return and an opportunity to ask them, "Can I tell you about how I have found the greatest love I have ever experienced?" This can lead to a spiritual conversation where you cashare your testimony of when you received Christ and understood God’s love. His love is different from human affection because it is unconditional, sacrificial, and never-ending. It also never fails. He showed it clearly through sending His only Son to earth to live the perfect life we couldn't and die in our place. Through His sacrifice, we have an opportunity to accept what He has done and be forgiven of all of our sins. What an amazing gift! And He offers it to all who would believe. So who can you share God’s love with today? For more on the Gospel and how you can share it, visit
Monday Feb 13, 2023
God Is With Us
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.
Are you going through a season of suffering? Maybe it’s a diagnosis, a divorce, a loss, or another situation that has made you feel alone and helpless. God might even feel far away. But today, I want to encourage you with some Biblical truth: God loves you and is always with you, especially in pain and suffering. In Isaiah 43:2-3, God speaks through His prophet and says, "When you go through deep waters, I will be with you[...]When you go through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up[...]for I am your Lord, you God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior." This is incredibly comforting to us as believers. We need to hold on to this truth and share with others that when they put their trust in Jesus alone, this can apply to them as well. Let's share the love of God with those around us! To learn more about sharing your faith, visit our website at That’s
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Gospel Outline Week – Faith
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.
Today, we're coming to the final day of learning an easy to remember, hard to forget Gospel presentation. We’ve been using the five fingers of our hand as our learning aid. Picture the smallest finger on your hand - it's going to represent faith. Grace, Man, God and Christ, Faith. FAITH, in a Biblical sense, is the means whereby people make a personal response to the Gospel. Saving faith isn’t simply head knowledge about Jesus. Many know about Jesus, but have never experienced saving faith. Saving faith is also not just “temporary faith,” trusting in Jesus for health, safety, finances. Saving faith is trusting in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life, and it's necessary for salvation. In the book of Acts, the apostle Paul was asked, “What must I do to be saved?” His answer was this: “Believe – have faith – in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved…” You can watch a brief video demonstrating the Gospel presentation on our website, where you can find resources to help you share your faith. That's
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Gospel Outline Week – Christ
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.
Today we are going to learn an easy to remember Gospel presentation. Our pattern to share the Gospel is based on five main words – Grace, Man, God, Christ, and Faith and we are pairing each one with a finger of our hand as a learning aid. Today we’ll focus on the fourth word - picture your ring finger and think of the Bridegroom because today’s word is CHRIST. Jesus Christ is both God and Man. John’s Gospel opens with this emphasis, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God…And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” While Jesus had many great accomplishments, there’s no doubt about His most important: He died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sin…and rose from the dead to prove He has purchased a place in Heaven for us. This gift is received by faith. You can visit to view a video demonstrating the Hand Presentation of the Gospel. That’s
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Gospel Outline Week – God
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.
This week we’re learning an easy to remember Gospel presentation. And we’re using the five fingers of our hand as a learning aid. Today we’ll focus on Word #3 – God. And picture your middle finger – the longest, greatest finger representing the greatest being in all the universe which we know to be God. Of the many aspects of God’s character, we’ll emphasize two: First, God is MERCIFUL and doesn’t want to punish us. The Bible tells us that “God is love.” But the same Bible that teaches us that He is love, also teach us that He is JUST and He cannot tolerate our sin. In Exodus 34:7, God says, 'by no means will I clear the guilty.' This presents a problem. Notice that I did not say God has a problem. The problem is ours. For God’s solution to our problem, we’ll turn our attention tomorrow to Word #4 – CHRIST. God solved our problem through Jesus Christ! Visit to see this “Hand” Gospel presentation video. That's
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Gospel Outline Week – Man
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.
This week we’re learning an easy to remember Gospel presentation. We’re using the five fingers of our hand to remember five Gospel words – one each day. Yesterday was GRACE – and we used our thumb pointing toward Heaven to remember that Heaven is free…not earned or deserved. Today, we’re using our second finger, our pointer finger for the second word – MAN – meaning the entire human race. The Bible clearly states that man is a sinner and cannot save himself. “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” are the words of Romans 3:23. Sin is anything that falls short of God’s perfect standard. An action, a word, a thought, an attitude…and because we are sinners, we cannot save ourselves. But the Gospel is Good News! There is a way to be saved, but it’s not man’s way…it’s God’s way. We're in great need of His grace to cover our sins! You can visit and view the Gospel “Hand” presentation video. That's
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Gospel Outline Week — Grace
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.
How would you like to learn an easy to remember, hard to forget Gospel presentation? Using the five fingers of your hand, we’re going to put one word to each finger. The five words are GRACE, MAN, GOD, CHRIST and FAITH. We’ll look at one word for each day this week. Word number one is GRACE – picture your thumb pointing toward Heaven. Grace, heaven, eternal life, is a gift. Romans 6:23 says, “the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” And, like any gift, it is not earned or deserved. The Bible tells us that we’re saved through faith, not works. What a relief! Every other religion teaches that people must earn their way to Heaven, but not Christianity. Christianity alone proclaims that God’s favor and entrance into heaven are absolutely free to us because of Jesus' sacrifice. So, word number one of the Gospel is GRACE. And we need it desperately. To see the hand presentation video, go to That's
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Respond with Jesus
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.
With a few simple tools, we can speak the Gospel with confidence and develop a passion for those who do not yet know Him. One of today's tips for sharing our faith with confidence is to address questions. Even though difficult questions may come up in a spiritual conversation, we don’t need to fear them. Answer them as quickly as possible, then return the focus to the Gospel. Now, if you don’t know an answer, be honest; let them know you will find out. Remember to always return with an answer if you promise to do so. Another tip is to be ready to take the next step with others. Because when you share your faith, people will respond. Keep it simple. The Gospel is not complicated! Explain that what they must do is place their trust in Jesus alone. When you move in faith, God will provide both divine opportunities and the confidence that you need to tell others the Good News. So take a step of faith this week and share with someone! Learn more at
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Let’s Go
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.
Why do we share the Gospel? Well, the simplest answer is because Jesus told us to. After He showed Himself to the disciples and many others after His resurrection, He left them with the Great Commission. "Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Christ gave every follower of His a purpose before ascending to heaven—He called us to go and tell people the Good News of the Gospel. And through people coming to know Him, Christians are formed and begin to grow in their faith. What a privilege and calling we have! And the best news is we don't have to do it alone. Jesus Himself will be with us always. So the question is...are we going and sharing? If not, find resources to help you share the Gospel at That’s
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Working With The Holy Spirit
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.
Did you know that the Holy Spirit is working? Everywhere, all the time, drawing people all over the world to Jesus. And the same Holy Spirit lives inside each one of us. So, when it comes to sharing our faith we don't have to be afraid. Witnessing under the direction of the Holy Spirit is just seeing where God is already working and then joining Him in it. When it comes to witnessing our part is simply taking a step of obedience and sharing our faith. Then the Holy Spirit’s part is drawing men and women to Jesus. Wow, how easy and exciting is that? In John five nineteen Jesus said "Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son of Man can do nothing of His own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing", so our job as a witness is to simply follow Jesus' example, to only do what the Father is already doing. So watch, and see where God is already at work, and then join him there. To learn more about sharing the Gospel, visit